Will Teron appointed to joint Task Force for Farm Building Code

Will Teron, P. Eng of Tacoma Engineers and former President of the Canadian Farm Builders Association has been named to the CCBFC/PTPACC joint Task force on Farm Buildings. 

The CFBA has been working towards involvement in the process of updating the Farm Building Code for quite some time and with Will's support have followed the long process of first getting the subject of the Farm Building Code on the agenda. The CFBA is fortunate that Will has taken this on almost as a "pet project" since the idea surfaced when Will was President (if not before)...4 years to get to this point.

While we all should be ready to accept that we probably won't see another "stand alone" building code for Farm Buildings, with Will's involvement representing the CFBA, we trust that we will see "Farm Buildings" identified as a "distinct class of building" within the National Building Code. 

We look forward to "reports" from Will as the process moves forward.   

Building Code development priorities to be addressed by joint task groups:

The Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes (CCBFC) and the Provincial/Territorial Policy Advisory Committee on Codes (PTPACC) have formed several joint task groups to address code development priorities over the next year.

The CCBFC/PTPACC Joint Task Group on Farm Buildings will outline the work necessary to update the technical requirements in the National Farm Building Code (last published in 1995). This will include specifying the approach for drafting technical requirements. Another key element is to determine how to incorporate large farm building requirements into the National Building Code of Canada 2010 (NBC) and to define the appropriate publication for small farm building requirements.

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“I think it would look really good in Orange.”
Gary van Bolderen