Heartland Farm Mutual Insurance is proactive with it's Loss Prevention Program


Checklist for Farm Owners to help protect your farm from Fire Risk. Contact Heartland Farm Mutual head office in Waterloo at 1-800-265-8813 or your local Broker. Recommendations and Best Management Practices below:

  • Surge protection installed on the main electrical service
  • Combination Series Parallel Arc Fault Breakers installed at main electrical service panel
  • Heat & Smoke detectors with alarm and strobe light that will signal outside the barn
  • HAVEN fire suppression units strategically located - installed in ceiling
  • Manual pull switch alarm at each end of the barn to activate fire alarm
  • Fire extinguishers at each point of entry/exit (min. 4)
  • Automatic door closures on offices, mechanical room, laundry room, etc.
  • No smoking signs posted throughout the facility
  • Signs posted with address in case of emergency (near phone to call 911)
  • Farm personnel/staff training with Emergency plan in place - reviewed with local Fire Department
  • All fans or heaters are heavy duty commercial grade. Hard wired or plugged into receptacles - not extension cords
  • Timer on clothes dryer to not run continuously or after hours
  • Machinery or tractor to be stored in a separate building min. 50' away


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“Provide solutions to solve a clients' needs. .”
Gary van Bolderen